Welcome to my sewing room. :) I live in an old house and we have this weird room in the back of our house that is all doors. When we moved in we called it an office but I quickly claimed it as my own, although sometimes I do share...

(Left: Lewis, our shelter rescue.
Right: Penny, also a shelter rescue, a Great Pyrenees mix puppy)

It's a small space but I've packed a lot in. Shelving up high and a folding step stool help me maximize my space.

My most favorite feature is my magnet boards. I bought some sheet metal at my local hardware store and screwed them to the wall. I then superglued strong magnets to the backs or bottoms of all kinds of things. Bar magnets are handy for holding all of your tiny scissors and tools. Magnetic bins hold pens, safety pins, bag hardware, and sewing machine equipment. My most proud discovery: magnetic paper towel holders and magnetic hooks make an excellent cone thread stand. I love my magnetic system because it is adaptable and it was fairly inexpensive.

I have one magnetic board solely devoted to my sewing plans and inspirations.
My most used feature would have to be this rolling cut table with shelves. I can pull it out and even turn it around to fit whatever pattern I am projecting.

My newest feature is this amazing iPad stand my family gave me for my birthday. It's great for following tutorials or watching true crime documentaries while sewing. In all honesty, sometimes I hang out in my sewing room and don't sew at all. :)

Fabric and patterns used:
The Marina Tank by Amelia Lane Designs in Athletic Brushed Poly 125gsm
G.O.A.T. Leggings by Rad Patterns in Athletic Brushed Poly 265 gsm
Sleepy Slippers by Made for Mermaids in French Terry and Waffle (pattern affiliate link)
Love it!