Are you ready to take the Core Tee Pattern into Fall? How about adding some puffy long sleeves?
This sleeve is super easy. Just draw a straight line down from the underarm seam down to the hem. I'm going to finish the hem with elastic (you could also do a cuff like I did with the Juliet sleeve hack) so I lengthened enough to encase the elastic.
Cut out the core tee pattern and new sleeve piece.
Sew up per the tutorial. You can do the neckband at this point while you're at it if you want to. (I used a dress length pattern piece that I made for spoiler alert: tomorrow's hack).
Pin and sew the sleeves.
Attach sleeves.
Based on how wide the elastic you'll be using is, fold over the hem and pin.
Hem but leave open enough room to get your elastic threaded in.
Exercise your elastic and then measure how much you need plus overlap.
Thread elastic through.
Close the loop of the elastic
Close the hole you used to thread the elastic.
and done! This fabric is called Covington Pointelle and it's so perfect for Fall.
PS - I'll be back soon for more hacks! See the whole hack blog tour by visiting this category and watching for new ones to get added!