You KNOW I looooove a dolman right? So I couldn't resist mashing my two newest favorite patterns! I used my projector for this make, but if you're using traditional paper, the concept still applies. I'll share some of my mashing tips for paperless sewing as well.
I used the Marina tank Maxi Length with a curved hem and side slit, mashed with the Scoop neck short sleeved Dream Tee.
First and foremost, I knew it would be much easier to add the neck/shoulders of the DT to the Marina, rather than trying to make the DT much longer. So I projected my Dream Tee pattern first. I traced all relevant pattern lines onto tracing paper to give me a physical pattern piece, stopping at the lengthen shorten line. I used the "tee" lines, but you should be smarter than me and use the "dress" lines for the side seam. Whoops! Lesson learned.

Next, I needed to add some lines to my Marina Tank pattern. I'm short (4'11), so for my ideal maxi length I need to shorten by 1" at BOTH the lengthen shorten lines in the skirt portion of the pattern. By far the easiest way I have found to do this for projector sewing is in the "comments" toolkit. Under "drawing markings" there is a straight line option (3rd from the left, top row). I can use this to draw additional lines that show up just fine projected! Here you can see I've added lines at both shorten/lengthen marks. TIP: This is also how I make a floor length maxi fit on my 37" cutting mat. Pin and slide, pin and slide. More on that later.

So once I had that all set up, I was ready to start cutting. I laid my paper pattern piece right on top of my fabric, lining up the fold edge, as well as the top of the shoulder seam. I used pattern weights to ensure it didn't slip out of place. Then I cut out the pattern according to my new pieces, "grading" out to the wider line at the waist. Remember when I said use the "dress" lines instead of the "tee"? This is why.

To shorten, I place a row pins along the shorten lengthen line, then slide my fabric UP to the red line I added. Then I continue cutting to the next mark. I leave my row of pins in place, since I'm making a maxi. Now I can slide my pattern over in Adobe, and simply pull to match up my pins with the same line. No muss no fuss!

Once your back bodice is complete, repeat with the front.

Once you have both the neckband, and front/back pieces cut out, we're ready to start sewing!

Follow the Dream Tee pattern instructions for the shoulder seams, sleeve hems and neckband. Follow the Marina Tank pattern instructions for the side seams (and side slits, or pockets if applicable). And woo hoo! We're done!!

I hope this helped you see that pattern mashing is JUST as easy with a projector as well!