Hey all, long time no talk!
The Sizzlin' Summer Sale is happening this weekend and it's perfect timing because I recently refreshed my work wardrobe with 13 new dresses so I'll be restocking my fabric stash.
A couple years ago I blogged about how I stock up on fabrics during a sale even if I don't know what I'm making yet. You can find that post here: Sizzin Summer Sale 2019 and actually a bunch of these makes are probably from fabrics I bought during that 2019 sale LOL.
Last November I started the process of streamlining my wardrobe and shared how I used different fabric bases to achieve different looks with the same pattern. Those nine Ellie and Mac Slow Sunday Dress (affiliate) makes for work and other occasions are in this post: So Many Looks Blog.
I was inspired by Kendel's ALD Dream Tee fabric comparison where she compares the same pattern in 12 fabric bases. I often refer back to that post when I'm brainstorming a new make!
I'm back today with 13 new Ellie and Mac Slow Sunday Dress (affiliate) makes using my ALD fabric stash. Most of these were two yard cuts and non-directional.
Here they are:

As soon as I finished my previous post which included two bishop sleeved honeycomb dresses, I found myself wearing them every single week and knew I needed more. The sleeve is made by just cutting straight down from armpit to wrist instead of angling in and I added a cuff.
I appreciate that the honeycomb has amazing recovery so my dress doesn't lose shape and doesn't look sloppy if I've been moving around a lot during the day.

Grove DBP was a doorbuster I believe during the Black Friday Sale so I got an amazing deal on this fabric. Does this look like a $10 dress? But it is!
Also pairs perfect with the lavender pointelle fabric which is one of the cardigans I keep on the coat hook at work!

Katy DBP has been in my stash for the longest time! I'm so glad I saved it because this dress couldn't have been more perfect for it.

Dallas DBP, another black Friday door buster makes for a $10 classic looking dress. I got a couple extra yards so I can make something to match for my spouse.

From my newest delivery of fabric, Chantilly DBP (from the VIP section) isn't my normal color palette but I wanted to infuse more spring in my closet!

This is my favorite summer strategy - Gloria Swim fabric for a bishop sleeve dress! When it's cold in the office so I want sleeves but it's super hot outside and I want something cool to the touch, swim for the win! This is another VIP exclusive that was limited quantities but I snagged during a sale.

Louisa DBP - I'm a "winter" meaning burgundy is my color, but I don't want to feel like I'm stuck in the depths of winter all year, so a little spring pattern added to my favorite color scheme.

I was all about the window pane pattern and snagged an extra lot of this style DBP when it was stocked. We're getting to the bottom of my stash now, how cool is that?!

Another original DBP! Catalina! Hidden cats in the paisley. This was one of my first ALD purchases! Look at all the room I'm making for new fabric! and how fun will this be to wear to work and see if anyone notices the cats!

Brand new, Raven DBP never even got folded. I sewed it right out of the dryer. I loved the faux embroidery of the three A fabrics that ran in rayon spandex a couple years ago (Alyssa? and??) so I knew I would want some raven! I did a slash and spread on the sleeve cap to make it mutton-style.

Halifax, another DBP that's my winter color palette but with a fun design! I did the mutton sleeve on this one too!

Honey DBP! Someone actually did notice the bees when I wore this dress. It's directional but I just put the bees upside down on the back so it looks like they're flying up and over me.

and the one I wish I had more of already! Claremont liverpool with the mutton sleeve. *chef's kiss* I feel so professional in this!
So all in all, about 26 yards of fabric, 13 dresses... a whole new wardrobe for work. This pattern doesn't have a waist seam so I feel like the fit is super forgiving as my body shape fluctuates. I think that's why it's my favorite for work. I never put it on and go "oh, yeah too bloated to wear this today, let's wait a week" and anything that reduces the time it takes to get ready or the step of hanging something back up is ideal in my life!
But more importantly, I had fun making these dresses. As much as I enjoy trying new patterns, testing them even and challenging myself, sometimes I just want to watch some reality tv and keep my hands busy.
I've had some stuff going on lately and it feels amazing just to be able to tune out, unwind and sew something familiar. Having a bright fun new outfit to start each day with is added bonus that I totally don't discount.
and now some retail therapy of appreciating the sale and refilling my fabric shelves. What more could I ask for?
Sale is live on the website now.
I love these all so much, Laura! You have me thinking if there is any pattern I love enough to do the same…hmmm…